Weekend Update and Christmas Dinner FINAL NOTICE

Remember that Saturday is the opening of deer hunting season and that the field is closed that day.

The weekend of 11/20/2010 and 11/21/2010 is looking pretty rough for us fliers. The temps are going to be in the low 50’s and the winds will be up at 15 to 25 mph on Saturday so it’s probably not a great flying day for a lot of us.  On Sunday they’re predicted to be 5 MPH(was originally 10-20 as of Friday night).

BTW: If you haven’t already aligned yourself with the Christmas dinner you need to contact TomK ASAP and get set up. The final date for receiving your check/money is Nov 21 which falls on this Sunday. US Mail does not deliver that day, not even for us.  I’ll be using the printed and provided to club members membership roster to contact him directly and get taken care of, and so should you as I’d love to see you there!
