Sawyer R/C Flyers will be holding it’s monthly meeting on Wednesday Sept 11@ 7PM at the Frank D. Greco Multi-Purpose Building (click here for Google Maps) in Saugerties, NY. If interested in becoming a member, please drop by and introduce…
Author: JonC
FAA Registration Reinstated
For details, please visit:
Sawyer R/C Google Groups
Club President John Sohm has created a Google group to help keep everyone in touch. I recommend that if you are a member, you join the group. Once you have joined the group, you will receive group messages via…
2017 Dues and New Flying Season
The 2017 flying season is upon us, and all dues are now past due. If you are late with your dues, please get a hold of one of the club officers or attend the next meeting to get up to…
Indoor flying is scheduled for this Sunday (4/12/2015) at 1pm to 5pm at the Ulster County Community College.
Weather Station
I took the weather station home last week and did some work on it over the week. Thanks to some newer hardware drivers related to the cellular modem and a few other tweaks I’ve made the system is much more stable. The…
Lee’s Photos of August 2014 Funfly, Field Condition

This gallery contains 28 photos →
Mike’s P-38 Maiden
I was out at the field on Saturday this last weekend and was fortunate to catch Mike getting ready to maiden his profile’ish P-38. After a little bit of work he was ready to go! The landing was a bit hot as he was worried about losing an engine on the landing. As you can see in the video he was pretty happy about that flight. Congrats Mike! Sorry about the video quality, I shot it on my cell phone.
BBQ on 10-AUG-2014
July 9 Club Meeting At Field Time Lapse
I was shooting a time lapse at the July 9 club meeting (not of the meeting) and I thought I’d share it with you guys, it turned out pretty nice.