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This gallery contains 9 photos →
Hey everyone, it’s been a while since some new news has been posted here. I wanted to remind all of the club members who view the website that on Oct 12 we’re having a club get together to fly, have…
“Please see the attached flier and let your membership know of our event. This event is for any military aircraft of any size and is a day of flying. Minimal planned activities, just a simple day in the nice fall…
I was out the field today with a few of the guys, I showed up right as a massive rain storm blew in. The wind almost collapsed the sliding door so I’m going to try to get back out today…
Well it’s been a long time coming, despite several issues we ran into regarding available communications options I came up with a solution which should work, for now, at least. You can click the ‘Weather’ item at the top of…
This gallery contains 5 photos →
This gallery contains 7 photos →
This gallery contains 45 photos →