Coming up in April on the 28th (Saturday) is the Franklin County Radio Control Club’s RC Flea Market and Swap Meet and it runs from 9am to 2pm at the Franklin County Tech School. Admission is free and if you…
Here’s some video from February’s indoor flying at Ulster County Community College. Everyone seemed to be having a good time and there was a broad variety of aircraft the pilots there as usual. It’s a fun time and if you have something small to fly indoors or just want to hang out you should make it out to the one coming in March. I’ll get the date from JohnS and update the site with it.
I’m not sure if everyone is aware of this but we’ve been flying indoors at UCCC once a month. If you want more info contact John S as he has the inside line. Use the feedback button on the far…
I hope everyone got the message by phone or by email that the Feb meeting was cancelled! I’m sorry I didn’t get a post up here sooner. ‘Ski Season’ is my busy time of year and I’m often distracted. About…
Happy Holidays everyone. I hope you and your families have a great time celebrating however you like to celebrate. Just a reminder from the last meeting that the membership dues are due by the next meeting. The dues are $75,…
The November club meeting will be held on November 9th, 2011 at the Saugerties Senior Citizens Center next to Cantine Memorial Field at 7pm as per usual it’s the second Wednesday of the week.
If you’re looking to get some last flying in for the season then come on out to the Fall Fun Fly on October 22nd. Just a bunch of folks getting together for food fun and flying. There are not any…
The next club meeting of the Sawyer R/C Flyers will be on October 12, 2011 at 7PM at the Saugerties Senior Center at 203 Market Road, Saugerties, NY 12477 (map).
Received this via email – Scott Prossen’s P47 Thunder Bolt “Razor Back” 29%, 143″ wing span, 124 Lbs, Moki 400 gas engine in primer paint. It’s a big and beautiful scale aircraft in the making.