Just a reminder that the club meeting is on June 8th this month. For JULY the meeting is the second Thursday of the month which will be July 14th at 7pm.
Author: JonC
2nd Annual Green Mountain 3D Fest June 10 to June 12 (Fri, Sat, Sun) – 2011
May 2011 Meeting and Build Contest

This gallery contains 23 photos →
New Forums
I wasn’t happy with the existing forums and people seemed to have trouble registering. The new forums are now available you can get there with this link Sawyer R/C Flyers Forums (new window / tab) and register and participate. Guests…
Club Meeting 4/13/2011
The meeting on Wednesday night 4/13/2011 went well with quite a good turnout. Mike presented an extremely detailed comparison of how powered RC battery connectors between Deans, Fake Deans and XT type power plugs. Including information about the gold plating,…
Opportunity to Win a Free Multiplex Funjet or ZD Racing ZMB RTR Buggy
Reversible Pitch Propeller
Down at the Field
Virtual Aircraft Museum
I was forwarded a message from Wayne B via Mike F with a link to this great online Virtual Aircraft Museum. They have a ton of aircraft with a lot of detail and it’s very cool! Make sure to check…
ACTION REQUIRED – Please Participate to Help Save Our Hobby
I know Tom K has sent this out to the email list. It only takes a couple of minutes to sign your name to the letter and send it to your congress people online, no stamp or post office required!…