Hi folks! I just wanted to see who is going to the WRAM show in Westchester from Feb 25 to Feb 27. If you want to comment just throw your comment down below at the bottom of this post!
There’s a club meeting tonight and it doesn’t look like we will have any weather conditions holding this one up. If I find out different I’ll update the post. I was reminded by a phone call last week that if…
Here’s an article worth reading, it’s an update to everything that’s been going on with the FAA, AMA and ARC. I received it in an email from Wayne, and it’s originally sourced from the AMA apparently, but I couldn’t find…
Hi guys, welcome to the new site, I hope you like it. I am going to enable making of accounts so people can post in the forums in about 3 minutes. I welcome all ideas and comments on the site.…