New Forums

I wasn’t happy with the existing forums and people seemed to have trouble registering.  The new forums are now available you can get there with this link Sawyer R/C Flyers Forums (new window / tab) and register and participate. Guests…

Club Meeting 4/13/2011

The meeting on Wednesday night 4/13/2011 went well with quite a good turnout. Mike presented an extremely detailed comparison of how powered RC battery connectors between Deans, Fake Deans and XT type power plugs. Including information about the gold plating,…

Reversible Pitch Propeller

I was forwarded this video from WayneB. The video is footage from RCUniverse at the Electric Tournament of Champions(ETOC) 2009 with RJ Gritter flying the plane. The plane has a reversible pitch prop which makes for a spectacular flight. It…

Down at the Field

Hi folks! Spring is quickly approaching and that means it’s time to fly!  This weekend won’t be excellent but it should be nice. Check the weather widget to the left.   I was out with Ollie on Sunday and I was…