I’ve added a photo gallery page. Lee was the first to send me some photos after my request for content at the last meeting. Please check them out by clicking the links on the top menu or in the menu…
Sawyer Field for Phoenix R/C
Here’s the long awaited download for the Sawyer’s R/C field for Phoenix R/C. Don’t hit my truck!! This field was created by our club member OliverT for everyone to use. It’s a pretty good representation. To install it you need…
July Club Meeting
The club meeting for July is scheduled at 7pm at the Frank D. Greco Memorial Center by Cantine Field.
Meeting Followup
The meeting at the field was great, we had a good showing and the weather was awesome for flying or spectating. I shot some video from the multicopter of OllieT and JohnS flying their electrics which you can watch below. It sounds like we’re getting ready for a good summer flying season and the field is in pretty good shape. Getting the field rolled to eliminate some bumps is still being looked into and assuming the field doesn’t get all dried up by a sudden drought or something it sounds like it’s going to get taken care of.
June 13th Meeting at the Field
Our June 13th, 2012 meeting is going to be held at the flying field. Be sure to get there early and bring something to fly. Maybe if the meeting is extra efficient we can get some more flying in after…
The Fractured Rib Spring 2012 Edition – Sawyer R/C’s Club Newsletter
JohnS put together a great multi-page newsletter for everyone and I highly suggest taking a chance to read it! The newsletter was emailed out to a lot of folks, but if you missed it or are not a full time…